Sunday, August 11, 2013

Seen on the Seine, Chapter Deux

Just some glimpses from the Metro to Montmarte.  We got our TV (after only waiting about 2 weeks--the delivery guys dropped it and broke it!!)  Bought a vacuum cleaner & printer and now on the hunt for some new furniture.  There could be many posts about buying new's tiny and low to the ground, which doesn't sit well (literally!!) with a family of legs like ours where the shortest person is 5'7".  Stay tuned for more to come!
Metro entertainment:  puppet show about "Gaston" calling someone=lost in translation

Ls Grande Arche de la Defense

Think I'll get this piece for my foyer--it feels very Mad Men
riding the big escalator in the metro
taken from the boat on the Seine on the Fat Bike Tour
Notre Dame( using my flash) at night

One of the sofas we liked that was actually large enough for us...sadly, each little seat/square is
850 Euros (about $1100)

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